台灣神經科臨床醫師暨腦科學博士 鄭淳予
Chun-Yu Cheng, MD, PhD
🧠 Neurologist based in Taiwan/ PhD in Brain Science/ Major interests in managing headache, pain disorders, sleep problems and dementia.
獲 國際神經血管疾病學會 年輕研究者獎: 2014 Young Investigator Award, International Society of Neurovascular Disease
我是鄭淳予,台灣神經科臨床醫師,也是腦科學博士。專注於神經科學和相關疾病治療,特別是:失眠、頭痛、神經痛、顏面神經失調、自律神經失調、腦霧、失智、中風、巴金森氏症。每一天be better是我的心願。我想為妳你的身心健康創造恢復和好轉的可能性。
📚2022 最新著作:《腦霧:腦退化自救、預防失智,腦科醫師教你大腦重置,提升專注、記憶、思考三大腦原力(增訂版)》。本書上市即登:博客來-醫療保健書暢銷排行榜Top1
📚2020 著作:《腦科學博士的高效入眠法:結合睡眠科學+ASMR聽覺療癒,讓你心安好睡》。本書上市即登:博客來-醫療保健書暢銷排行榜Top1
📚2018 著作:《健忘失神腦當機,你腦霧了嗎?:腦科醫師教你33個關鍵自救,提升專注、記憶、思考三大腦原力,大腦重置、預防失智》
1.誠品書店-健康生活類書籍 暢銷排行榜第一名Top1
🎬鄭淳予醫師 x 神經很有事 Youtube頻道 (腦科學知識分享頻道,談失眠、大腦神經疾病相關的預防、復健法)
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🎤鄭淳予的深夜播客:「詩歌良藥時間」陪你讀詩、說大人睡前故事,渡過夜晚和睡前時光。聽我的音頻廣播節目👇 👇
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陽明大學腦科學研究所 博士
Cheng's Neurological Clinic 執行長暨主治醫師
VidaOrange生活報橘 專欄作家
早安健康 專欄作家
ETNEWS健康雲 專欄作家
風傳媒 專欄作家
台北榮總神經醫學中心 神經內科 主治醫師
1. 獲 2014 年國際神經血管疾病學會 年輕研究者獎: 2014 Young Investigator Award, International Society of Neurovascular Disease
2. 期刊論文審稿委員:
2017-now, Journal reviewer of "Cephalalgia"
2014-now, Journal reviewer of "Journal of neuroimaging: official journal of the American Society of Neuroimaging"
2012-now, Journal reviewer of "Medical Hypotheses"
3. 國際會議講者:
2012-5, The 4th Taiwan Stroke Research Consortium “Cerebral Venous Outflow Abnormalities in Neurological Diseases”
2013-1, Speaker, 2013 Cerebrovascular Disease Forum “ Cerebral Venous Outflow Abnormalities in Neurological Diseases”
2013-10, Speaker, 2013 Annual Convention of Taiwan Society of Ultrasound in Medicine “From the Jugular Vein Findings to Predict the Existence of Transverse Sinus Hypoplasia”

ETNEWS健康雲 專欄作家
風傳媒 專欄作家
振興醫療財團法人振興醫院 神經內科 主治醫師
振興醫療財團法人振興醫院 神經內科 中風中心 執行秘書
台北榮總神經醫學中心 神經內科 總醫師暨臨床研究員
台北榮總神經醫學中心 神經內科 住院醫師
2. 期刊論文審稿委員:
2017-now, Journal reviewer of "Cephalalgia"
2014-now, Journal reviewer of "Journal of neuroimaging: official journal of the American Society of Neuroimaging"
2012-now, Journal reviewer of "Medical Hypotheses"
3. 國際會議講者:
2012-5, The 4th Taiwan Stroke Research Consortium “Cerebral Venous Outflow Abnormalities in Neurological Diseases”
2013-1, Speaker, 2013 Cerebrovascular Disease Forum “ Cerebral Venous Outflow Abnormalities in Neurological Diseases”
2013-10, Speaker, 2013 Annual Convention of Taiwan Society of Ultrasound in Medicine “From the Jugular Vein Findings to Predict the Existence of Transverse Sinus Hypoplasia”
1. Cheng CY,
Cheng HM, Chen SP, et al. White matter hyperintensities in migraine: Clinical
significance and central pulsatile hemodynamic correlates. Cephalalgia : an international journal of headache
2017:333102417728751. (SCI IF: 3.6)
2. Cheng CY,
Chen SP, Liao YC, Fuh JL, Wang YF, Wang SJ. Elevated circulating
endothelial-specific microRNAs in migraine patients: A pilot study. Cephalalgia : an international journal of
headache 2017:333102417742375. (SCI IF: 3.6)
3. Cheng CY,
Chang FC, Chao AC, Chung CP, Hu HH: Internal jugular venous abnormalities in
transient monocular blindness. BMC
Neurology 2013 Jul 22;13:94. (SCI IF: 2.56)
4. Cheng CY,
Tsai CF, Wang SJ, Hsu CY, Fuh JL: Sleep Disturbance Correlates with White
Matter Hyperintensity in Patients with Subcortical Ischemic Vascular Dementia. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and
Neurology 2013 Jun 19. (SCI IF: 3.525)
5. Cheng CY, Chen MH, Wang SJ, Lin KP: A proposed mechanism of
superficial siderosis supported by surgical and neuroimaging findings. Med Hypotheses 2011;76(6):823-6. (SCI IF:
6. Chung CP, Cheng CY, Zivadinov R, Chen WC,
Sheng WY, Lee YC, Hu HH, Hsu HY, Yang KY: Jugular venous reflux and plasma
endothelin-1 are associated with cough syncope: a case control pilot study. BMC Neurology. 2013 Jan 16; 13:9. (SCI IF: 2.56)
7. Beggs C, Chung CP, Bergsland
N, Wang PN, Shepherd S, Cheng
CY, Dwyer MG, Hu HH, Zivadinov R:
Jugular venous reflux and brain parenchyma volumes in elderly patients with
mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. BMC Neurol. 2013 Oct 31;13(1):157. (SCI IF: 2.56)
8.Chung CP, Beggs C, Wang PN, Bergsland N, Shepherd S, Cheng CY, Ramasamy DP, Dwyer MG, Hu HH, Zivadinov R:
Jugular Venous Reflux and White Matter Abnormalities in Alzheimer's Disease: A
Pilot Study. J Alzheimers Dis. 2013 Nov
8. (SCI IF: 4.17)
9. Cheng CY, Lin KP: 與騎乘單車相關的神經學傷害.臨床醫學 2009; 63: 188-93.
- 門診時間:每週二、週三(午診及晚診)。週四、週五(晚診)。週六(午診)。舊制國定假日全天休診。
- 看診時間:午診15:000~17:00 / 晚診18:00~20:00。
- 門診地點:台北市北投區石牌路一段54.56號一樓。
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